Natural Organic Farm and Mr. Wong Tze Kwong (Uncle Kwong)

Natural Organic Farm, a private leisure farm located at Ma On Shan Country Park in Hong Kong, which has a mini highland environment.

Most organic farm within Hong Kong
always keep evaluating the market in order to find their own ways to sell their crops instead of farmer market in Tai Wo/Tuen Mun (District in Hong Kong), as the rent in there were quite expensive
. They also keep building company profile, reputation with customers. Also keep designing product description and make numerous of market assessment in order to boost up their sells.

However, our farm take a different role when compare to others.

The main theme of the farm is to promote proper organic farming concepts and technologies to public. So that each participant can feel the pain and joy of traditional farmers. You can also make use of the new technology and modern farm
ing method that learned from our farm for your own gardening. Also, those farming methods are based on economic efficiency of agriculture, and the benefits of plant growth.

The farm used to join the "Organic Farming Support Service" by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (Also known as AFCD, Agriculture department in Hong Kong). Those staff visited the farm regularly provided technical advice and suggestions to Mr. Wong, and took some sample of soil and irrigated water for analysis like HPLC, GCMS etc. in order to check the use of pesticide, presence with other toxin etc. They also carried on-site assessment to check Mr. Wong if he using the proper farming method. However, Mr Wong does not want to spend too much expenditure as the seedlings are quite expensive from them.

After their sampling, they reported that our farm doesn't have sufficient potassium ion. Thus suggested the use of K+S group Potassium sulphate.

They also introduced organic pest control techniques and cultivation practices like the usage of Eocanthecona furcellata to predate some worms that consume vegetable leafs. Those actions guaranteed our farm operate under the principal of organic farming. 
After you mastered the right organic cultivation methods in our farm, you can enjoy homegrown organic vegetables with family.  Those vegetables pick from the farm are much fresher than the one you bought from market as they took long range transport from China and the rest of the world.     

As the farm located on the mountain, you can enjoy the beautiful view of Shatin, Ma On Shan, Tolo harbor and Shing Mum river. The air quality is good
on there, you can enjoy the fresh air that Kowloon, Hong Kong island doesn't exist. Just like the majestic view in the poem "Return To Nature" by poet Tao Yuanming
The farm also keep some pet like dogs and cats, which used for security of home and catch mouse. There are three dogs and three cats, one of the dog called Chocolate by its brown color, the other two called Black with fierce outlook, bark at those stranger. But Chocolate passed away due to aging. One of the cat called "Mill Mill", with a dark brown color, the craws are sharp and injured my arm one time due to the scratch.  

Besides from terrestrial animal, there are two wildlife pond which keep lots of plant and aquatic animal. Reptile like turtle are lovely, most young children play with them and feel excited. Besides from turtle, there are koi fish in the larger pond, it shiny and colorful scale attract a lots of adult, they both appreciate with those fish. For aquatic plants, there are duckweed, which cover a large proportion of the pool.

Those animal feed by the vegetable debris from farm, so we can recycle the materials and fulfill the ecology cycle.   

The famous products in there are soy milk, tofu fa and Honey. Mrs. Wong buy soy bean every day from market in the town centre, and make soymilk every day, the water source they used are from the stream bed, which flow from plateau on top of mountain. Due to the source of water near the iron mine, which contain a lots of minerals, so the soymilk have better taste and the tofu fa conjugate better than those find in market or dessert shop. Also, the farm have raised a lots of bees for the pollination of crops, so the byproducts is honey, with a high quality compare to other. Those honey is $100 HKD per bottle, very popular among visitor of the farm.  

Also, the farm will sell some vegetables in suitable season. For example, water spinach will be sold in summer time, Mr. Wong will plant some seedling in the pool during spring and let them grow in larger plants for harvest. Watercress will be available in winter, Mr. Wong will buy some watercress plant from market and place them in the pool during autumn, those plants grow intensively and cover the whole area within short time, which mean large amount of harvest later. Also, chayote (choko) will be grown in every year, they yield harvest in any season, the fruit size is larger than those in markets. Both vegetables sold in $16/catty (1.65 catty = 1 kg), it is cheaper price when compare to other organic farm vegetables.

The land Owner is Mr. Wong Tze Kwong, we called him as Mr. Wong or Uncle Kwong
He is the second generation of miners in the Ma On Shan. He received education in Childhood church-run schools of the mountains, cultivated an enthusiastic attitude to help people in need. Also inherited the hard-resistant qualities
and personality in miners, He lived a simple life in the mountains with optimistic personality, running services and fight for better life for the villagers. He always share experience towards his life, iron mines and the farm. For example, he is a driver of dumper truck, which help to transport tones of sand to the site. Also, he explained there are high workload within the farm like building nets for preventing birds attack of crops, building a larger shelter in their house to shield from rainstorm, as well as introduce drip irrigation system to save time from watering the crops personally etc.

He also dig some sample of iron ore like
Limonite, Hematite, Magnetite from Ma On Shan mine and display it at the farm. Ma On Shan used to be a mining site when the Japan occupied Hong Kong during World War II, as there are shortage of iron supply in other place that the Japanese occupied. Iron are extracted from the iron oxide within those ore and created weapon during that time

He has a wife (We called her Mrs. Wong or Anut Kwong) with two son, Chak (English name is Terry Wong) and King, both of them will help Mr. Wong in some activities like sowing seeds, picking some mature crops etc. Mrs. Wong also response for making soy bean products like soymilk, tofu fa. Chak and King will response for making Facebook page for advertising of the farm, driving small van with father to buy agricultural materials like potassium sulphate, other fertilizer etc.

Mr. Wong hold
s lectures regularly in Jockey Club Ma On Shan East Children & Youth Intergraded Services Centre. Many citizen joined these classes and learnt a lots of useful farming skills like sowing seeds, usage of pesticide, plough the land etc. from him. He charged people for $30 HKD dollar for the lessons.

He also cooperate with
the Jockey Club Ma On Shan East Children & Youth Intergraded Services Centre to provide technical support to their rooftop garden, as well as material like seeds, seedlings, fertilizer etc. So, the centre grow the crops well and sell it in their mini market, the income they earn are donated to elderly home for charity. Some of their harvest like radish used to make radish cake by the volunteer in the service centre as lunar new year gift to the elderly.

Currently, some primary school and secondary school representative
in Hong Kong
invited him to hold lecture about growing vegetables in their campus.

You can go to the farm easily by taking NR84 bus in Sunshine City bus station (near Ma On Shan MTR train station) or Yiu On Estate bus station, the bus is operate almost in each hour but less frequent in each afternoon.

Here is the timetable

Figure 1: The chinese character plate at the entrance of the farm

Figure 2: Spectacular mountain view that you can't find them in Kowloon and Hong Kong island 
Figure 3: Summer time is full of green vine from cucumber, hairy gourd, bitter gourd

Figure 4: Chinese Lettuce are common crops in winter as people use them in hot pot 

Figure 5: White bitter gourd is one of the popular crop in the farm
Figure 6: Chinese radish is one of the legendary crop in the farm, Uncle kwong is holding the largest radish in the farm


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